Wrestling with my Mind

This was very much a spur of the moment idea… Right now it is just before 9pm on the 30th April 2024. Today marks the first day of me on medication, more commonly known as antidepressants. To mark the… occasion…(?), I have decided that each day I am on this medication, I will watch a wrestling match (as watching wrestling is always a go-to of mine) for something to enjoy, and so given where I am at, it would seem fitting. Maybe each day I will ask someone to pick me a wrestler or a match to watch, I may even shout that person out, who knows? But the idea is I pick or have picked for me a match, I watch it, then I write happy thoughts about it.

But for day 1, match 1, it’s my turn. And after getting stuck in a YouTube rabbit hole… here is my ‘Match of the day’…

Day 1 (30/4/2024): House of Black (Malakai Black & Brody King & Buddy Matthews with Julia Hart) vs The Elite (Kenny Omega & ‘The Young Bucks’ Matt & Nick Jackson) (C) for the AEW Trios Championship – AEW Revolution (2023)

AEW World Trios Championship: The Elite v House of Black | AEW Revolution,  LIVE Tonight on PPV

Oh my this was just… so so WONDERFUL! 6 of my absolute favourite wrestlers combined here to put on an absolutely all-action FANTASTIC match! The live crowd seemed to enjoy it just as much as I did, which definitely didn’t hurt. Way too many highlights to touch on them all, but the finish with Buddy hitting a perfectly timed knee, and then Brody hitting his finish for Malakai to get the pin, a beautiful end to an absolutely delightful match!

House Of Black Defeats The Elite To Become New AEW Trios Champions At  Revolution


For day 2 I asked the person who is mainly responsible for giving me the final push I needed to set about a course of actions that led me towards seeing the doctor in the first place, and given her… unique… at times blase outlook on pro-wrestling, I had not a single clue who or what she would tell me to watch… so with all the love and thanks to my MUM… for her suggestion of “Kane and Undertaker”… two men who famously had little in-ring chemistry together…

Day 2 (1/5/2024): Kane (with Paul Bearer) vs The Undertaker – WrestleMania 14 (1998)

Well… the match was… not good. The story and creative around it was great, the pre match video equally so, and credit to JR and The King on commentary for helping tell and add to the story being told. But yes this as a wrestling match was not exactly good. Just kinda boring and dull, Kane dominated 80% of it, Taker got back into it, hit 3 Tombstones and finally won. Kane got his beat back after, as chapter one of a storyline that went on and on and on was in the books.


For Day 3, I have a much better match to enjoy my Sertraline with… picked by my good friend Stefan. Someone who I speak more about wrestling with than anybody and it ain’t even close! He picked a match that we actually watched together, it was on my birthday in fact. We had been to a show earlier that day, and then went back to his to watch our favourite wrestling brand, the famous Black and Gold of NXT. Lets take a delightful trip back to NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn 4 from 2018…

Day 3 (2/5/2024): Ricochet vs Adam Cole (C) for the NXT North American Championship – NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn 4 (2018)

Well this was just… fabulous! A fantastic match that is best remembered for one of the best timed spots you will ever see, with Ricochet hitting a springboard off the ropes but diving right into a superkick in mid-air from Adam Cole! And after that… everything was just spellbinding stuff, as a typically loud NXT TakeOver crowd roared and loved every second of it. As did I! The finish saw Ricochet jump over the ring ropes and hurricanrana Cole off the apron to the floor (as you do), before rolling him back into the ring, hitting a perfect 630m splash for the win, and this becoming the second ever NXT North American Champion!


Day 4 and today, courtesy of my friend Ross who… has had a massive influence on my wrestling fandom, is the main reason I follow Progress Wrestling like I do, and is one of the few people I have told the full extent of my current mental state to. He selected a match I firstly didn’t expect, and secondly I don’t think I’ve ever seen… so this should be… something…

Day 4 (3/5/2024): Shawn Michaels vs Jeff Jarrett (C) for the Intercontinental Championship – WWF In Your House 2 (1995)

Well that was a lot of fun! A quite functional match at times, but both guys worked really well together, and the crowd absolutely LOVED them some Shawn Michaels! Double J’s dropkick was a thing of beauty, and the outside role of ‘The Roadie’ really added to the match. It was in fact his inadvertent interference which led to the finish with HBK hitting the superkick for the win, and thus becoming a 3x IC Champion.


My Uncle Scott picked day 5’s match, and he eventually picked arguably the most famous match in wrestling, certainly one of the defining and iconic moments in wrestling… Funny how I had picked for me an Andre match, on the day of a WWE PLE taking place in France!…

Day 5 (4/5/2024): Andre The Giant (with Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan) vs Hulk Hogan (C) for the WWF Championship – WrestleMania 3 (1987)

Famous match, with famously very little ‘rasslin. But… when you understand Andre’s physical limitations at that time, the necessity to get this match out there, and the fact that the crowd went absolutely APE SHIT for everything Hogan did, and every time he got an advantage… can you fault them? Not really. They did what they could, and the story (lack of actual wrestling aside) was decent. Don’t need me to tell you the finish, perhaps the most famous and replayed moment in wrestling was followed by the big leg drop by Hogan to retain the title. And to delight the huge SILVERDOME crowd…


6th day, and it’s the choice of my friend Phil, who is the Wrestling Should Be Fun podcast editor (available on Spotify, and Apple podcasts by the way…). He picked for me a match I haven’t seen for a long time, one that doesn’t get talked about all that often in fact, mainly because it was just before one of the biggest WrestleMania’s of all time, but wow… a HECK of a match up with two of the biggest stars in wrestling history…

Day 6 (5/5/2024): Triple H vs Stone Cold Steve Austin in a 3 Stages of Hell match – No Way Out (2001)

Unsurprisingly, these two beat the SHIT out of each other! Just all sorts of carnage across 3 wild falls, the first being a wrestling match (Austin won with the stunner), the second a street fight (won by Triple H) and finally a STEEL CAGE surrounded the ring for the third stage of hell, that concluded when Triple H fell back on Austin as both men connected with weapon shots. Crowd were LOUD all match, Austin was still the top and most over star in the WWF, and The Game was a perfect foil for him to play off. Weird to have Austin lose just before WrestleMania and his title match, but aside from that this was great.


Today I asked my friend Dan, and dan has known me for a number of years, so he picked something he knew I would like. Good guy is Dan.

Day 7 (6/5/2024): Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker – WrestleMania 31 (2015)

Of course now, after Bray’s passing, this means more to me than ever before. Not many wrestling fans are lucky enough to have their dream match be a reality, and this is mine, and I will have this forever. It’s a match I’ve had a changing relationship with down the years… at the time I hated it, I though Taker looked old and I didn’t get why he won. Now? Well Taker was definitely in pain and tired-looking, and I still don’t really get why he won? But I also get the story of Taker returning to prove that (even without his ‘Streak’) he was still the ‘face of fear’ and indeed ‘not dead yet’. The match was what it was, with Taker getting the win. And it’s fine for what it is, I just don’t think it was needed or that Taker should’ve won. But in 2024, my overriding emotion is so much joy and relief that the match happened… so in the end, maybe it all happened just as it was meant to be.


I decided that each Tuesday, I will pick my own match, so as not to run out of people to ask basically. I had set my heart on a match from the NXT TakeOver show in Dallas from 2016. Special to me as the first NXT show I watched, and I was immediately hooked. I asked my Mum to pick a number that would correspond to a match on this card, and subsequently she picked the number of… an all-time classic… in fact in my review of this match for my review of this show, I wrote “This was one of THE best matches in NXT and WWE history.”

Day 8 (7/5/2024): Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura – NXT TakeOver: Dallas (2016)

A simply sensational wrestling match. A molten-hot crowd. Two exceptional professional wrestlers, both with superstar entrances and presentation, put on a classic. I cannot give this match enough praise. Please watch this one immediately.


Today’s match was kindly picked by my friend Mike, who… aside from being a Spurs fan, is a top bloke. He did also play ‘Wayward Son’ during a DJ set he did once, which made my entire evening. He has picked for me to watch what he says is his favourite match of all time…

Day 9 (8/5/2024): The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart) vs Demolition (Smash & Crush) (C) in a 2 out of 3 falls match for the WWF Tag Team Championship – SummerSlam (1990)

This was excellent for so many reasons! Firstly it was great tag team RASSLIN! Secondly the dynamic of Demolition having 3 guys essentially up against the uber-over Hart Foundation was so captivating, and the crowd ate it all up. And a surprise delight to me was having Roddy Piper doing the colour commentary, which of course was just great. The POP when LOD came out was thunderous of course, as was the crowd reaction when Bret got the roll up win for his team. “WHAT A MATCH, WHAT A MATCH” the Hotrod exclaimed on commentary, and he was absolutely correct!


My friend Lorraine picked today. We have a lot of mutual interests… wrestling, gothic-looking women, but one of our mutual loves, is Bray. She picked out an absolute BANGER, two red-hot factions facing off in a WAR… I am VERY much looking forward to watching this one back, it has been way too long. We love you Bray. We love you Brodie. Always.

Day 10 (9/5/2024): The Shield vs The Wyatt Family – Elimination Chamber (2014)

This match was complete carnage! 6 great workers, started off a little slow, but middle and towards the end the action ramped up and it was red hot by the end. The crowd really brought in and went wild for pretty much everyone. The Wyatt Family unexpectedly got the win, after putting Rollins through a table, having already taken down Ambrose, it was Roman left on his own. And as much as the crowd loved the comeback and spirit showed by Reigns, it simply wasn’t enough… Harper took the bullet or more the spear from Roman, and one Sister Abigail later, Bray Wyatt had led his family to victory.


My friend Lewis, who I attended AEW All In at Wembley with last year, and will be going again with this year too, was the chooser of today’s match. But he opted for something more ‘retro’ than anything All Elite Wrestling… albeit a match containing the current TNT Champion…

Day 11 (10/5/2024): Edge (C) vs The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship – WrestleMania 24 (2008)

This was a great WWE main event match. Edge dominated the first part, Taker had his moments during the middle, but Edge always seemed to be in control… then we got a ref bump, then Edge nearly won, then Taker, and then we got a great finish with Edge hitting a spear for a nearfall, before finally getting locked in Taker’s new submission hold after hitting another spear. And just like that, for the second year in a row, The Undertaker walks out of a WrestleMania as World Heavyweight Champion. I remember this match just as well as I did back in 2008, always a joy to watch it back again.


My friend JCH picked today’s match. A man I have been at many shows with, spoken on many podcasts and in person about wrestling with, and he picked for me a match that… well one I didn’t expect. One I am quite looking forward to mind, as it’s very different to anything else I have watched so far. A big thanks to him for providing a link to the match as well!

Day 12 (11/5/2024): Arisa Hoshiki (C) vs Tam Nakano for the Wonder of Stardom Championship – STARDOM Shining Destiny (2019)

This was quite the watch! I must say that having no commentary, and all the shouts from both women and the crowd being in Japanese (so I had no idea what they were saying) actually helped my enjoyment of the match. Nakano was by far the aggressor in the earlier part of the match with a number of brutal submissions and fierce strikes. Hoshiki got back into it later, but it was not long before Nakano hit a release german onto the apron which looked horrendous to take. An aggressive striking exchange saw Hoshiki get back into things, and the action really picked up from there. Rest of the match was just great exchanges and some very unique spots, with the crowd going absolutely ape shit for pretty much everything for the rest of the match… about as much as you will see from a Japan-arena crowd anyway. For the finish Hoshiki hit a big kick to the side of Nakano’s head (they must have exchanged about 20 of these types of kicks EACH during the match, each one could’ve been a finisher easily), and got the pinfall after to win and retain her title. An excellent match.


My mate Dom was up today. I had a feeling he would pick something… extreme… and should’ve guessed it would involve his favourite… This is a match I’ve heard a lot about, and look forward to checking it out.

Day 13 (12/5/2024): Rob Van Dam (C) vs Jerry Lynn for the ECW Television Championship – ECW Hardcore Heaven (1999)

This was (naturally) no DQ and no time-limit to ensure we got a definitive winner. In front of a typically rabid ECW crowd, these two put on a really good match. I just loved everything about the raw (pardon the pun) and gritty presentation, match-wise Lynn was a really good worker, and RVD was RVD. Van Dam did though seem to get a cut near his eye, and Lynn got busted open too after (not sure if his was as… natural as Van Dam’s seemed to be). At times this match was more of an extreme (but very fun to watch) athletic brawl than your traditional wrestling match. RVD was super super over naturally, but we got a lot of love from the crowd for Lynn too. The sunset flip powerbomb that Lynn hit to RVD over the apron THROUGH A TABLE set up on the outside was quite something! Eventually a ‘Van-Damminator’ followed by a second 5-star Frog Splash of the match got the win for RVD. A fun watch for sure!


My friend Matt offered quite a unique suggestion for today’s match. Albeit he did send me a link to the match too, which is rather helpful. Judging purely by the names in the match, I am expecting a WAR!

Day 14 (13/5/2024): Stan Hansen vs Terry Funk – AJPW Grand Champion Carnival I – Tag 20 (1983)

These two men were treated like HUGE stars before the match even started. And then the match started, and we got as much a fight as a RASSLIN match! Hansen’s early strikes made me think he really wanted to hurt Funk, and Terry would try and fightback, but Hansen just beat him up! Funk got a dropkick on the outside, and a scoop slam in the ring, but Hansen then reversed an attempt at a piledriver and the beatdown resumed. Funk got some offence in following a backdrop, but Hansen punched his way out of trouble, so much so he busted Funk wide open. Funk again tried the spinning toe hold, and again got punched and kicked at… Funk returned fire, but Hansen was just beating the fuck out of the crowd-favoured Funk. Again he tried the spinning toe hold, again he was kicked away and then slammed onto the ropes. With the ref out the ring, Hansen undid a turnbuckle and went into the crowd after Funk, and it appeared Hansen was dragging Funk back to the ring via something tied around his NECK… He dragged him into the ring, just stomping away at the bloodied Funk (streamers from the crowd continuing to fly in and be everywhere), Hansen meanwhile is now choking Funk using some form of rag and the ring ropes… it really was a massacre as the Japanese commentary, the in-venue announcer and the crowd just went nuts non-stop. Hansen continued strikes as the ref tried to get him to stop, but the beatdown carried on… Someone from the crowd ran in (I believe this was Dory Funk) and stuck the boot in on Hansen, and tossed away the official, as the bell was rung and the match called off. Dory punched out Hansen who quickly retreated, as Dory and some officials tended to the bloodied and battered Terry Funk.


For this week’s Tuesday pick of mine, I have decided to pick an AEW match (as nobody else has picked me an AEW match yet which has surprised me…). It also happens to be my Match Of The Year for 2024 so far.

Day 15 (14/5/2024): Will Ospreay vs Bryan Danielson – AEW Dynasty (2024)

This is one of the best matches I have ever seen in my entire life.


An actual wrestler (my friend Fliss) picked today’s match. A lady who herself said “I just have incredible taste”, and I can confirm she does indeed.

Day 16 (15/5/2024): The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs The Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi) – NJPW Strong Style Evolved (2018)

This is a match that I know divides opinion… well I’m firmly in the camp (as someone who followed the story at the time, and since of all 4 guys very closely) of thinking it was absolutely fucking GREAT! A lot of times in wrestling, knowing the story can take a match up a notch, and this was absolutely one of those. And that’s not to say it was a purely story-driven match, the ‘rasslin’ was out of this world too. I so so so SO hope we are somehow able to see this match again one day, lets all hope and pray both of our Golden Lovers can get back to full health one day too. This is in the top 5 at least of best (straight up) tag team matches I have ever seen, and Kenny Omega was in the 2 of the other 4 as well. An absolute all-time classic!


As I start to do the rounds again, I picked today’s. Widely regarded as the best main roster WWE match of the modern era…

Day 17 (16/5/2024): CM Punk vs John Cena (C) for the WWE Championship – Money In The Bank (2011)

A match way longer than most WWE main events of this time, or any WWE matches for that matter, but all for the right reasons. An incredible and industry-changing run had its culmination on this glorious night in Chicago. It was a perfect storm in many ways. A shame about the follow up and aftermath, but everything up to and including this night, was perfect. And of course, topping it all off was the the fact that the match itself was absolutely EXCELLENT! Funny most to me is here are two guys who’s strongest attribute isn’t really their in-ring ability… yet here they were having an all-time classic. Lessons to be learnt from that I think…


For day 18, I asked my friend Stefan to not pick a match, but a wrestler, and then I would pick the match. I will try and not go for the obvious choices with these, but maybe the second match that comes to mind. Stefan picked… DOLPH ZIGGLER! And so I went with a match more famous for what happened towards the end than the match itself. Albeit Dolph was the MVP of the in-ring action on what turned out to be one of those ‘where were you when…’ nights in WWE history…

Day 18 (17/5/2024): Team Cena (John Cena & Dolph Ziggler & Ryback & Erick Rowan & Big Show) vs Team Authority (Seth Rollins & Kane & Mark Henry & Rusev & Luke Harper) in a traditional 5 on 5 Survivor Series elimination match – Survivor Series (2014)

As these sort of matches go, this was actually quite good. At a time when the product was not hot, and the roster was very weak, this was a big time main event with a lot of heat. It really picked up when it was just Dolph left. Another example of what Ziggler could be when given the chance… Of course we all remember the finish here, but I can tell you the match itself is fun too.


My good friend Dan gave me a wonderful choice today, one that I had to go to another friend to decide upon a choice of which match to pick… MICK FOLEY! This match is significant in that it was kind of the last of its kind in WWE, but one we will never ever forget… as once again Mick Foley MADE a guy into a TOP guy!

Day 19 (18/5/2024): Edge vs Mick Foley in a Hardcore match – WrestleMania 22 (2006)

I mean… wow… talk about a typical sacrifice of your own body by Mick Foley… and this time he took someone with him! Most of the match is largely forgotten, because of the extraordinary finish. I have, as I’m sure we all have, seen a fair few of these in wrestling… but whenever anyone uses FIRE… that is another level. Simply astonishing stuff.


Mum’s pick today, and to my surprise, she picked someone who is actually very good at the rasslin. EDDIE GUERRERO! So after some thought, I went with a match that was probably the peak of his career.

Day 20 (19/5/2024): Eddie Guerrero (C) vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship – WrestleMania 20 (2004)

20 years ago… wild! Obviously this match was tremendous given who is in it, but it was just such a joy to see Eddie not only go into WrestleMania as WWE Champion, but the fact he won in the most typical Eddie way possible, wonderful stuff. Eddie is often someone I think about what he would be doing today if he was still with us… I’d presume he’d of been a multi-time world champion and maybe even in AEW today or helping HBK run NXT. Just one of the best all-round performers in the history of the business, and I am so happy he got his run as the top guy. This match, with him against another legend who could lay claim to equally high praise, was an absolute joy to watch that I would highly recommend to everyone.


Today my uncle Scott, much like Mum yesterday, picked a delightful choice today… REY MYSTERIO! And so after some thought, I settled on one I have not seen for a while, but I recall it being great…

Day 21 (20/5/2024): Rey Mysterio vs Andrade in a 2 out of 3 falls match – SmackDown (2019)

This was just so good. Non stop action all the way, and it was not your usual 2/3 falls formula, in a good way. For a tv match as well they did great with the time they had. It never fails to shock me how good Rey has remained, and he had the perfect dance partner here. This match is on YouTube and if you want a low-key banger, I would recommend this one to watch. Andrade got the first fall after a sit-out powerbomb off the top rope (YEP), the second fall came when Rey reversed a powerbomb attempt into a destroyer (YEP), and finally the third fall came when Samoa Joe ran in to attack Rey for the DQ/no contest. Naturally it sucked to end a match this way, but at least the match was fucking GREAT before that!


Tuesday, so means my turn to pick. And because I’ve not had him yet, it feels right to pick… THE ROCK! And I’m going to pick one that I have been meaning to watch back for some time…

Day 22 (21/5/2024): The Rock vs Triple H (C) for the WWF Championship – Backlash (2000)

Why oh why they didn’t just do THIS at WrestleMania 2000 is beyond me… This was just so well done! The Rock basically getting his ass beat by a combo of Vince, Shane and HHH for the first part, with the odd hope spot as the crowd begged for Austin. And then finally, when all hope seemed lost, out come our returning hero, and that soon led to The Rock winning the title. I implore you to go and watch this one back, and pretend the main event of Mania 2000 never ever happened!


Ross picked tonight, and he picked someone who gave me a fair few options… but I went with this match, as on paper it sounded good, and I hadn’t yet done a match from that promotion. So here is the next match, featuring today’s pick… “IT’S STIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!!”.

Day 22 (21/5/2024): Sting vs Diamond Dallas Page (C) for the WCW World Heavyweight title – WCW Monday Nitro (26/4/1999)

A match made by commissioner RODDY PIPER, despite the fact WCW PRESIDENT CHARLES ROBINSON (yep) was in charge, and much against the wishes of Dallas, he had to defend his title against the stinger here… DDP was coming into this match having taken out both Hogan and Goldberg, defending the title here against a JACKED-looking Sting (who had beat Ric Flair the week before despite the best efforts of Charles Robinson and Arn Anderson). This match was a great combo of fast-paced action and brawling, as well as proper RASSLIN! It was funny to me too to see DDP work as a heel (which he was great at by the way), but naturally Sting was a great foil for him. Commentary did a great job calling the action, and both they and the crowd were well into this one, it very much felt like a big deal and a world title match for sure! Sting eventually hit a TOMBSTONE for a big nearfall that had the everyone losing their SHIT, Dallas got a nearfall after with a ddt, before a lowblow and an attempt at a Diamond Cutter using the ropes… but Sting held it and hit the Scorpion Deathdrop. 1,2,3. HUGE HUGE HUGE POP, and Sting is your new World Champion!

As amazing as the pop here was, it wasn’t to last for long. In typical WCW 99/00/01 booking, DDP won the title back around 90 minutes later.


Today is Bray’s birthday. So I’m watching some Fiend. This one was… well I have had a few moments as a wrestling fan where nothing else mattered. I was a child again… The Hardys return at WrestleMania, Edge’s WWE return, Cody finishing the story… but my word… then debut of The Fiend, particularly the entrance… I was spellbound.

Day 23 (22/5/2024): The Fiend vs Finn Balor – SummerSlam (2019)

To me, this was perfect. This wasn’t for you guys, this was for us. The Bray Wyatt fans who had waited and waited for Bray to be THE GUY. You can say whatever you want about the booking of The Fiend after this, but on his opening night, it could not have gone better. The entrance was an absolute all-timer, he dominated the match (yeah no shit he did), and he left back into the darkness. Finn was taking time off, so he was the perfect guy to do the job here, and yeah… I loved this SummerSlam, I’ve written about it before in fact, but this match and everything about the debut match of The Fiend… beautiful.

“I was the colour red, in a world full of black and white”.

For the penultimate day of the first edition of what will likely become a series I think, I took the… risk… of asking my sister Tamzin for a wrestler. She picked two, I went for the one that was less easy or obvious of the two to pick matches for… LITA! So I had two or three in mind, and because it’s my choice, I went with the one I am going to presume is the better of them…

Day 24 (23/5/2024): Lita vs Trish Stratus (C) for the WWE Women’s Championship – Raw (6/12/2004)

A historic rivalry had it’s highest point here, as Trish and Lita took part in the first women’s match to ever main event Raw. I DID NOT like seeing Lita land DIRECTLY on her neck during a dive to the outside, that looked HORRENDOUS coming years after Lita’s neck surgery… but I did like to see this match main eventing in Lita’s hometown no less. Trish was a great aggressive heel, Lita was a good, fighting babyface. And they got about 10 minutes but they did well with what they had, and in the big main event spot, the crowd were really into it. And those fans got what they wanted when Lita countered a Stratusfaction into a twist of fate, then hit the big moonsault and got the win. Great pop after and a nice moment for Lita. JR of course did a super-good sell job on commentary of putting over the moment and the win for Lita. Great stuff!


And so here we are… I have two tablets left after today in my first pack, of Sertraline. And tomorrow I travel to London for Progress Wrestling’s Super Strong Style 16 tournament shows. As a result, not really the time (or the sobriety) required to fill this daily blog in… So this will be the last match until I do a new blog when I get my next pack. Maybe with a different theme, maybe with similar, who knows. I have quiet enjoyed getting people to pick for me, so likely continue that aspect… But… lets get onto tonight’s match, and to end this blog, I will pick a match that not only did I love, I was actually at, but have in fact NEVER watched back… until now…

Day 25 (24/5/2024): Samoa Joe vs CM Punk (C) for the REAL World Championship – AEW All In (2023)

Well… it was great after all! The crowd helped ofc, but this was a super fun watch! Joe was Joe, Punk was Punk, and naturally two guys who have had so many bangers down the years had another here. It’s a match that sadly will go down in infamy, because of the events backstage before the match, and subsequent consequences afterwards, bet lets not forget the match these two greats put on. I for one… one of the main reasons I got a ticket for this show was to see CM Punk, and I couldn’t have asked for many better opponents (we know the obvious ones…) that the great Samoa Joe. What an… HONOR… to see these two great rivals share the… RING… together. And what a joy it was to see Punk win with the Pepsi Plunge (something I know pleased Lewis who was with me, and my friends JCH and Dom in the crowd elsewhere in the stadium). And of course, after that, Punk sailed off, out of the arena, an AEW arena… for the final time…


And… for now… that’s it! Thank You so much to everyone who has given me suggestions! You’ve no idea how much you have helped me. This has been a… rollercoaster period of my life, but with many more positives than negatives. Although right now I have a soar throat and a headache, tomorrow I am off to see some wrestling with my friends and to drink lots of alcohol, and I could not be happier about that! And that’s what it’s all about for me, being happy. See you next time people.

PS… Wrestling Should Be Fun!


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